A couple summers ago me and my dad took a backpacking trip up to snowbird creek in North Carolina right on the border of Tennessee. It was a four day trip and we saw no one until the last day. It was my first time fly fishing and I did not have any prior experience. Although a mountain stream is usually not the first place you want to test out your skills, Snowbird was perfect for me. The gorgeous brook trout were biting and biting often. Although I had my struggles with casting and tangled line the setting was indescribable for my first brook trout catch, first fly fishing catch, and to enjoy my surroundings. The fish were small but still just as enjoyable to pull in and to examine the beautiful colors on each one. In all I was able to catch 15 to 16 brook trout in the four days up in the backcountry. A great way to start my fly fishing career.

First time fly fishing