It had been two weeks since my last expedition and another week would not be missed. Extreme heat directed my attention to the higher elevations, so I went up to the Park to explore some streams. I figured I would shoot for Walker Camp Prong but was stopped, as always, by the inticing Little River on the way up. Many monster brown trout have been pulled out of the Little River, but I have yet to lay my hands on this secret gold, and the River would have me wait longer. I fished awhile with no luck in the Little River before moving up to Walker Camp. I climbed down from the road through some poision ivy and thorns, and dropped into a nice area of the stream. I hiked up the stream a bit and found a perfect run. I was extremely cautious approaching this run, even more so then usual. I sat down and observed the run for a bit and noticed two fish feeding on the subsurface. Amazing what a little patience will do. Regardless, I missed my first two bites, and could tell my small stream fishing was a bit rusty. So I sat back, tied on a new fly and dropper and fooled a couple out of the hole. One rainbow and one brookie. I decided to hop over the mountain to the larger 'Luptee and try my luck there. David is not very fond of this river, so I try to hit it up when he is not with me. I pulled a couple nice rainbows from there, the largest of which I didnt get a picture of. The browns that I was searching for didnt come out to play, but they will in due time. "A day on the water is like a day in paradise" one great man once said....oh wait I just made that up! til next time....
Light peaking through Walker Camp