It has been quite awhile since the last report, and one might think that I quit an old addiction some call fly fishing. Couldn't be farther from the truth. I have been hitting the tailwaters and mountain streams almost every weekend, with bountiful rewards dating all the way back into February. Spring came early this year, and the trout have seemed to notice. They have been out and active. I made it up to the Hiwassee yesterday to mess around in some familiar territory. The fishing was out of this world. Hits on nearly every cast continued throughout the entire day, and landing rainbow after rainbow becomes under appreciated when the fishing is hot. To my delight my catch wasn't limited to bows, as I was able to pull in a couple browns too. Most of the fish were hitting nymphs but there was good dry fly action throughout the day as well. I posted some quick pics from the trip yesterday. A video should be coming soon covering alot more of the trips in between. Til next time.....
Driving up
Fiesty brown with some muscle on him apparently